Monday, June 18, 2012

Echoes of PHS 1969 Classmate Gathering June 16th

Please click on the image below to watch a YouTube video of the actual toast:

Photo above by Ann McKeown Glass.  Photo below of Drambuie Toast by Robert Nelson
PHS 1969 Gathering - Bob Stetson's Remarks
PHS 1969 Gathering - Sylvia Simpson's Remarks


  1. Sounds like a wonderful continuation of Leslie's celebration of life. You Class of '69 "sprouts" may or may not remember that Vince Guaraldi, composer of Cast Your Fate to the Wind, actually performed at Piedmont High for a memorable school assembly. Rarely have I seen such strong friendships as all of you have with one another. Thank you for putting together this blog and for all of the love and support you've shown Leslie and our family over these past few months.

    1. Shelly,

      The pleasure was all ours and at every step of the way...and how could we ever have done otherwise? Team Leslie will live on forever as will our great love for your dear sister and our dear friend...

      Looking forward,

      Bob Stetson

  2. Leslie taught her friend Deborah Jones Noyes to perform Cast Your Fate to the Wind on piano. That fact came up during the post-toast sharing circle discussion, hence the selection for the video. The Sounds Orchestral version is less YouTube risky (copyrights etc.) than the fine original by Guaraldi...
